Friday, December 1, 2006

Mary Priscilla Howes Grant awarded

At the last meeting of the Town Finance Committee, our application for a grant from the Mary Priscilla Howes Fund was considered and, with whole-hearted support, approved. The application requesting $1.900 was approved in full. The funds have been used for the purchase a powerful IMac computer, capable of generating and manipulating everything from designs to text to photographs and moving pictures on DVD, VHS and more; a scanner; a separate, large hard-drive with the capacity to safely backup a large amount of data, and a color ink-jet printer. Kit Nylen, new to the Board, has well researched the equipment on the market and skillfully matched it up to our anticipated needs. She’s found the best prices and sources, and allowed us all a sigh of relief. Kit is incredibly skilled and experienced when it comes to the application of technology in the field of publication and we are fortunate indeed to have her.

It is very fitting that the fund Mary Priscilla established, before her death, be used to help underwrite the publication of the third History of Ashfield. Our town, its history and its people embodied her most precious pursuits. She was seminal in the writing and publication of the second volume of our history as well as in the establishment of the Ashfield News.

by Phyllis Kirkpatrick