Thursday, June 1, 2006

Building a Book AND a Permanent Archive

It’s our wish that the book containing the third history of Ashfield
will be richly illuminated by representations of people who took part
in the life of the town during the years covered in the book (1960 *
2010), as well as of places and mementos that spark our memories and
affections. In any case we invite everyone to look for what they have
received, created or saved, that represents significant events and
moments. We also ask that there be a special effort to start now to
capture such moments as they occur. Naturally finances will determine
how much illustration will make it into these pages but we wantto see as
much as we can. We are not only planning a book but want to build a
permanent tangible collection to be safely stored at the Ashfield
Historical Society for future generations. Where copies can be made of
things folks don’t want to relinquish altogether, we will try to do it.
Please don’t overlook photographs, drawings and paintings,
correspondence, diaries or other souvenirs.

We are about to embark on our first project. Lou Battalen of Apple
Valley and Librarian at the Arms Library in Shelburne Falls, has come
forward to begin doing research on his neighborhood. He is particularly
interested in the Bear Swamp Reservation, its history and natural
features. This is a rich and fascinating resource in town and, with the
weather being favorable during the next few months, it should be
appealing to plumb the depths of its riches now. There’s a need for
record keeping of all discoveries and observations, the combing through
records as well as finding people willing to share their memories in
one way or another.

by Phyllis Kirkpatrick

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